There are fourteen mandatory components to The Kronos Project’s core curriculum. Kronos inmates may also take a variety of electives as determined by the parent company. The curriculum is designed to raise their level of consciousness beyond themselves.
Each core component stands alone, however, the secret behind restoring an inmate’s human dignity is how the core curriculum is interwoven with the host prison’s schedule throughout the ten-month program.
Curriculum and electives are taught by the parent company’s staff, volunteers, outside facilitators, and past Kronos graduates. One of the key structures of The Kronos Project is small group facilitation. Instructors are taught group dynamics on how to manage small group interactions, because small groups are the key component in facilitating self-examination.
Awakening: Exercises and activities on topics of worldviews, freedom of choice, responsibility, knowing thyself, art of healing, and relationships. Awakening is designed to look at yourself in the mirror and find the true self within.
Building Community: Addresses community environments, faith and religious issues, communication and conflict resolution, and other life issues faced once released from prison.
Character Restoration: Allows inmates to weigh benefits/consequences of their choices, past, present, and future.
Computer Literacy: Continuing education at multiple levels, including tutoring for those who have dyslexia, cannot read or write, or wish to earn a GED.
Color Training: Introduces that basic personalities are inherent at birth and worldviews dictate how inmates express themselves and interact with others. This course is designed to reduce disciplinary reports among Kronos inmates and the general prison population.

Daily Family Meetings: Kronos inmates are housed in a separate housing unit and subdivided into family groups. Families meet daily to gain a better understanding of those in their living quarters. Separation from the general population is a key factor in The Kronos Project.
Fundamentals of Faith: Provides teachings and discussions of world religions. Fundamentals of Faith is designed for inmates to gain a deeper understanding of their chosen faith.
Family Letter Writing: Encourages positive writing with family members to help re-establish, re-build, and strengthen broken relationships.
Group Facilitation: Identifies how individuals can achieve their goals in the most effective way.

Outside Brothers: Kronos inmates meet weekly with a mentor from the outside faith community. Mentoring is established to provide a solid caring relationship with the outside community, and not specifically directed towards acceptance of any faith content.
TOPUCU: A training camp for the mind, is designed to transform an inmate’s thinking and actions.
Trauma Recovery: Helps inmates address their trauma in a positive, healthy way.
Understanding Dignity: Framework for understanding how dignity helps strengthen relationships and resolve conflicts. Inmates learn and experience that they are loved and worthy of love.
Victim Awareness: Provides an opportunity for inmates to begin seeing crime from the perspective of the victim and their family. Awareness allows the inmate to take responsibility for their crime.
Interested in being a Kronos parent company or host prison?

The Kronos Project is a fictional novel based on real people. Follow four inmates, Strong, Mateo, Carter, and Jax, through this innovative ten-month prison program. Learn how one small program can change lives and a prison culture from the inside out. Available on Amazon. Paperback $15.99. E-book $3.99. Join our conversation on Facebook.