The Kronos Project is a fictional novel based on real people. This novel is the story of how a prison can make better people, not just make people better.

Strong, Mateo, Carter, and Jax are four inmates at Rock Fork Correctional Institution who want to change their life. Each apply to The Kronos Project, an uncommon prison program that changes their values and beliefs by striking at the root cause of their criminality. The program restores their human dignity.

The novel is dedicated to those who want to change their life behind bars.

Written at an eighth grade level, The Kronos Project is a serious story that tells how love, truth, community, trauma, conflict resolution, repentance, forgiveness, and spiritual development can be experienced behind bars. This story reveals how one small program can change a prison’s culture from the inside out, making Rock Fork a safer prison. Easy read. 165 pages.

You can find this novel at Amazon. Paperback $15.99. E-book $3.99.